Poznaj Pana Kulkę z Centrum Nauki EXPERYMENT w Gdyni. Animowana postać została wykonana w technologii rozszerzonej rzeczywistości i pojawia się na znaczniku 3D, który możesz wydrukować ze strony http://pankulka.ctadventure.pl
Meet Mr. Kulka from EXPERYMENT Science Centre in Gdynia. This animated character is developed in Augmented Reality technology and appears on the 3D marker, which you can print out at http://pankulka.ctadventure.com
Meet Mr. Kulka EXPERYMENT Science Center in Gdynia. Animated character was made in the technology of augmented reality and appears on the 3D tag, which you can print from the http://pankulka.ctadventure.pl
Meet Mr. Ball from EXPERYMENT Science Centre in Gdynia. This animated character is developed in Augmented Reality technology and Appears on the 3D marker, Which you can print out at http://pankulka.ctadventure.com